Thursday, May 30, 2013


     The study of chemistry has many practical benefits. The food, clothing, medicines, and building materials that are necessary to life are products of the application of chemical knowledge. Many of the materials used in such fields as architecture, engineering, and nuclear science are the results of the work of chemists. Without these and other innovations, our way of life would be radically different. 

     Chemists pursue gratifying careers in a wide range of scientific activities. They conduct basic research in the quest of new knowledge and understanding. They are involved in the technology of applied chemistry - the application of chemistry to those processes that supply material needs. They perform chemical analyses, supervise production, develop manufacturing processes, or manage chemically oriented organizations. They do technical writing, work in sales and marketing, or become consultants. They teach chemistry in universities, colleges or high schools.

Source: Phoenix Science Series - Chemistry by Estrella Elona Mendoza


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